Degrees of Freedom (DoF): 3-DoF vs 6-DoF (VR Example) VirtualSpeech 1:15 2 years ago 12 698 Далее Скачать
IMU testing 6DoF motion platform with Adafruit 9DoF and SimTools Rotor Works aero 0:55 5 years ago 756 Далее Скачать
6 DOF IMU (3 axis accelerometer, 3 axis gyroscope), Arduino, OpenGL, Python, complementary filter Matthias 0:16 11 years ago 107 308 Далее Скачать
Performance comparison between myAHRS+ and 9DOF Razor IMU(Linear acceleration) WITHROBOT Inc. 0:32 6 years ago 766 Далее Скачать
What is the difference between Volumetric video 6DoF? Volumetric Video 2:00 6 years ago 1 910 Далее Скачать
Measuring Angles and Movement with an IMU | Beginner's Guide Core Electronics 10:44 1 year ago 4 179 Далее Скачать
The SimCraft Difference - 6DOF Full Motion Racing Simulator - Physics Matter SimCraft 4:08 3 years ago 8 581 Далее Скачать
6DOF & 9DOF Sensor Fusion with Madgwick's Filter, MPU6050, HMC5883L (GY-86 Module) upgrdman 21:02 8 years ago 26 527 Далее Скачать